
Customized Representation: Personalized Service.

Areas of Practice

estate planing

Preparation of Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and other documents to help ensure that what you have gets to wherever it is that you would like for it to go when you are no longer around, or if you ever become unable to manage your own affairs due to illness, injury, or other incapacitation.

asset protection

Are you concerned about the possibility of a lawsuit? Steps can be taken in advance of need to protect the things that you have managed to accumulate. Appropriate planning before an unexpected event occurs can help ensure that your assets cannot be taken from you and your family.

estate settlement (probate)

In Texas, there are a variety ways to transfer ownership of assets following a death. Let us help you decide which method works in your particular situation. From appointing an Executor to using a more simplified approach (called a “Muniment of Title”), we’ll help you through the process.